Discover the Joy of extraSpending
Author: Russell Schmidt
Russell Schmidt showcases the extraordinary coupling of the indispensable commodity of money with the uniqueness of a joyful life.
Very seldom does extraMoney fall out of the sky, and even if it does show up unexpectedly from time to time, it usually doesn’t stick around if it’s not treated as being special. Mostly, it is already here, and the trick is to find it. For me, finding extraMoney is half the enjoyment. Spending it on material things, people, and experiences I care about is the other half. Humans love to hunt for bargains and unique stuff and fun experiences. Put these two activities together—the hunt and the fun result—and what you get is the joy of spending extraMoney. Like the fun of a treasure hunt, with its map and clues or instructions, finding the pot of extraMoney provides the thrill of the hunt and a highly rewarding result. And for this hunt, you have free access to an app guaranteed to get you some extraMoney. It will also provide the plan for spending the extraMoney, bringing even more joy into your life. It’s simple, elegant, powerful, and user-friendly—and is adaptable to the amount of detail that works for you.
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