Most entrepreneurs spend their working lives competing, feeling fatigue, barely able to offer clients anything more than the industry standard. They deny their creativity and focus their time on making the most of scarce resources.
“Free Zone” entrepreneurs don’t compete, they collaborate, creating and sharing “Intellectual Shortcuts”—ways to do things faster, easier, cheaper, and with bigger results. And by 2044, their combined revenue will grow to $15 trillion.
Find out how you can be one of them.
The moment you realize that the key to your future is using your own experience to create Intellectual Shortcuts, you immediately bypass all competition. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in.
This is because it isn’t about competition—it’s about cooperation.
You’re not interested in competition because it doesn’t create anything. Competition is just a negative expenditure of energy, ideas, skills, and talents.
What you’re looking for are other entrepreneurs who also create intellectual capital and Intellectual Shortcuts. And those entrepreneurs are very eager to be in a trading relationship with you.
The moment you realize that the key to your future is using your own experience to create Intellectual Shortcuts, you immediately bypass all competition. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in.
This is because it isn’t about competition—it’s about cooperation.
You’re not interested in competition because it doesn’t create anything. Competition is just a negative expenditure of energy, ideas, skills, and talents.
What you’re looking for are other entrepreneurs who also create intellectual capital and Intellectual Shortcuts. And those entrepreneurs are very eager to be in a trading relationship with you.
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