Many people who encounter obstacles on the path to their goals are stopped in their tracks. But I've discovered that the very obstacles that seem to oppose our goals are actually the raw material for achieving them. They give us specific information about how to transform opposition into action that lets us attain our vision.
The Strategy Circle is the fundamental concept that launched The Strategic Coach Program. This simple four-step process will help you work through any problem or strategize any goal in every aspect of your life, wherever you choose to use it.
It's a totally self-contained growth process where you simply take advantage of what you already aspire to in the future and use that as the starting point. Then you identify everything that stands in the way of that vision of the future, and by allowing the opposition to be stated, you legitimize negativity.
A lot of people try to bypass negativity by not looking at the obstacles they face. But the obstacles to your goal are unique to your vision and extremely useful. They're there for you to use as the raw material for creating solutions and growing as you move toward your goal.
It's a totally self-contained growth process where you simply take advantage of what you already aspire to in the future and use that as the starting point. Then you identify everything that stands in the way of that vision of the future, and by allowing the opposition to be stated, you legitimize negativity.
A lot of people try to bypass negativity by not looking at the obstacles they face. But the obstacles to your goal are unique to your vision and extremely useful. They're there for you to use as the raw material for creating solutions and growing as you move toward your goal.
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