In The Time Breakthrough™ Dan Sullivan will introduce you to an entirely new way of understanding and managing personal time. Learn how to use The Entrepreneurial Time System® to improve your results and spend greater amounts of time doing what you love.
The 21-Day Time Breakthrough Workbook, included in this package, provides a practical way to make the concepts learned from the audio presentation and mini-booklet a daily habit. Instead of feeling trapped, enjoy a life that becomes increasingly rejuvenating, creative, integrated, and enjoyable.
Eliminating the biggest danger facing modern people.
People who reside in modern countries, who work in modern economies, and who live modern lifestyles are confronted with a danger that is literally driving many of them crazy, making others sick, and causing still others to die at an early age. Most of the other problems that modern people face arise from their inability to eliminate this one central danger.
The danger is that they are running out of time in all areas of their lives.
This little book, The Time Breakthrough™, and the workbook that accompany it, introduce an entirely new way of understanding and managing personal time. The concept here is radically different from the hundreds of other time management schemes that fill the bookshelves. These other schemes are based on the principle of making the best of a bad situation. They all accept the basic premise that time is scarce.
The Time Breakthrough is based on just the opposite premise: that the time available to each of us is abundant.
Instead of feeling pressured and crazed by modern life, we can enjoy its wonderful advantage. Instead of making the best of a bad situation, we can take a wonderful situation and make it increasingly better.
Eliminating the biggest danger facing modern people.
People who reside in modern countries, who work in modern economies, and who live modern lifestyles are confronted with a danger that is literally driving many of them crazy, making others sick, and causing still others to die at an early age. Most of the other problems that modern people face arise from their inability to eliminate this one central danger.
The danger is that they are running out of time in all areas of their lives.
This little book, The Time Breakthrough™, and the workbook that accompany it, introduce an entirely new way of understanding and managing personal time. The concept here is radically different from the hundreds of other time management schemes that fill the bookshelves. These other schemes are based on the principle of making the best of a bad situation. They all accept the basic premise that time is scarce.
The Time Breakthrough is based on just the opposite premise: that the time available to each of us is abundant.
Instead of feeling pressured and crazed by modern life, we can enjoy its wonderful advantage. Instead of making the best of a bad situation, we can take a wonderful situation and make it increasingly better.
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